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Welcome to the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 29
OPEIU Local 29 is a dynamic, respected labor organization, dedicated to improving the working conditions of office, technical, professional and health care employees. We represent over 6,000 employees at more than 300 locations.  We participated with numerous other labor unions in the country through an unprecedented bargaining process that broke new ground in labor relations and established a model for health care with Kaiser Permanente. OPEIU 29 and OPEIU 3 membership voted overwhelmingly to approve the merger between the unions effective April 1, 2016.   The merger will continue to model the professional representation and collective bargaining for OPEIU members while advancing and strengthening the members’ economic, social and professional interests.  The merged unions share mutual goals and objectives and recognize the importance of representation, collective bargaining and organizing workers.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.  ~Charles Darwin

LBGTQIA+ Pride Month



As a valued member of the Golden State Warriors and Chase Center, we invite you to take advantage of the upcoming ticket offer for the two family-friendly events coming to Chase Center this summer!

Through the link below, you will receive specially priced tickets to the following events:

August 5-6: Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live

1. Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live is an immersive family entertainment experience that you will not want to miss! Ask about the additional Crash Zone VIP Experience – available for only $12 each!

August 23-27: Cirque Du Soleil: Corteo

2. An exhilarating show filled with acrobatics that will plunge you into a theatrical world of fun, comedy, and spontaneity!


For PROMO CODE: call 510746-5969

*Rates can increase based on factors affecting supply and demand.

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month
In May 2023, we commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, a time when we honor the achievements and rich histories of these minority groups in America. This observance originated as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week in 1978 and was officially established by President Jimmy Carter. May holds significance as it marks the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States in 1843, on May 7, as well as Golden Spike Day on May 10, which celebrates the completion of the transcontinental railroad—a monumental project largely constructed by Chinese laborers.

Constitution & ByLaws Amendments Approved

Constitution & ByLaws Amendments Approved
OPEIU 29ers have spoken, the membership has voted to approve the Constitution & byLaws Amendments. The language amendments will go in effect accordingly. The new version of the Constitution & byLaws is being drafted and will be sent to all members promptly.

Workers Memorial Day - April 28, 2023




Union Rights are Under Attack —We’re Standing Up & Fighting Back!

In this first report, we find that by bargaining together through unions, California workers increase their earnings and have more access to health and retirement benefits, thereby reducing reliance on the state’s public safety net programs.

Key findings include:

  •  Workers covered by a union contract in California earn an average of 12.9% more than their non-union peers with similar ages and educational attainment working in similar industries.
  • Overall, a union contract increases an individual worker’s annual earnings by $5,800, for a combined total of $18.5 billion across California. In low-income regions like the San Joaquin Valley, the difference is more dramatic, increasing a worker’s earnings on average by $7,000 each year.
  • 670,000 more Californians have health insurance through their employer as a result of collective bargaining.
  • 830,000 more Californians are offered a retirement plan by their employer as a result of collective bargaining.

Read the full Report (PDF Format)

How To Keep Our Union Benefits

Open File

What's New

Reasons Why You Should Appreciate Your Union:

  • Weekends
  • All Breaks at Work, including your lunch Break
  • Paid Vacation
  • FMLA
  • Sick Leave

For more information click here


Get Connected!

The new OPEIU app is a great way to stay connected to your union, learn more about your membership benefits, find links to OPEIU’s social media networks, and much more.

Available for free download for iPhones at the App Store and for Android devices at Google Play by searching 



Free Retirement Evaluation

OPEIU 29, in coordination with Union Retirement Solutions, is offering a free Retirement Evaluation. For the past 25 years, Union Retirement Solutions, your provider of Retirement Solutions, Insurance Services and Estate Planning, has been dedicated to providing union families with solutions for both asset protection and wealth creation. read more ...


Rising Stars Registration

Who are the L29 Rising Stars? 
OPEIU 29 Rising Stars have joined together to build a movement of young union workers 35 and under that are dedicated to educate and inform each other. The Rising Stars are the future of the union. 

OPEIU 29 Rising Stars have created a working committee to inform young workers about the union as it is today and to share strategies of where the union is going in the future. They have established a website where hundreds of young workers share information throughout the country. 

 For more information please call (510) 746.5960.

More information:



Local 29 Meetings

General Membership Meetings: 
Third Wednesday of months January, April, July and October

Executive Board Meetings
First Wednesday of every month

Stewards Council
Second Wednesday of every month

Employment Opportunities

Interested members can call Sarah Paredes at
(510) 746-5969 to obtain access to the job posting.

View Jobs


Union Plus Mortgages

Special Benefits


Contact Us

Oakland Main office 

7677 Oakport Street, Suite 480
Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: 510.746.5960
Fax: 510.746.5977

San Francisco office 

433 Natoma Street, Suite 220
San Francisco, CA 94103



Organizing Department

1-888 OPEIU29