OPEIU 29 Members

Kaiser has directly sent you numerous communications in a desperate attempt to directly negotiate a deal with you on your contract. The attached letter that was sent to Kaiser from the Coalition of Unions that clearly is a request to resume bargaining with the Coalitions Negotiation Team not a small group of union leaders that does not represent all the coalition unions.

OPEIU 29 is scheduling to vote the membership for a strike approval in September. Please watch for updates soon.

Kaiser’s Lost its way, see the recent communications on Kaiser National Bargaining

Kaiser sent an email proposal to the Coalition late Friday evening (7/26/19). The Coalition responded to the Kaiser’s failure to address the issues raised by the Coalition throughout National Bargaining.  A comparison sheet is on the website to show a side-by-side comparison of Kaiser’s regressive proposal.

The Problems with Kaiser’s Divisive and Disrespectful Bargaining Proposals

Kaiser management’s approach to negotiating with our Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions has been chaotic, disrespectful and unlawful. KP illegally walked out of our negotiations over a year ago and only returned when they were indicted by the National Labor Relations Board. Despite repeated requests, they have refused to provide critical information. Instead of formal proposals, they have outlined different “options” on easel paper.

While these various “options” have been confusing, they are all uniformly unacceptable as they seek to divide workers, do not reflect Kaiser’s unprecedented financial success, do not protect our jobs and put our patients at risk.

Kaiser Bargaining Update July 11, 2019

Kaiser Bargaining Update July 11, 2019
Today is the Last day of Kaiser National Bargaining and we do not have an agreement on the most important piece of bargaining, which are economics!!

The climate in negotiations isn’t progressing as we’d like, the 85,000+ coalition members are prepared to strike, if we have to!!

We will forward more information as it becomes available.

Kaiser Bargaining Update July 8, 2019

We won't accept cuts--now or in the future!

Our last scheduled week for national bargaining is Tuesday July 8 thru Thursday July 11 in Los Angeles, but we want to make sure you have the most accurate information about what’s going on at the bargaining table with Kaiser management. Kaiser leadership is digging in its heels on a plan to cut wages and benefits to deeply divide the workforce and our union—and we cannot let that happen.

We know that Kaiser has been making record profits—and even just announced plans to spend $900 MILLION on a brand new headquarters building in California and $295 million to a basketball arena! We also know that our work is the key to Kaiser’s extraordinary financial success. Despite this, management believes that some regions are OVERPAID.